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Is Gel Blasting Legal? | All You Need To Know

Gel Blasting Legal

Welcome to the world of gel blasting! Put a day out shooting at friends on your post-Covid bucket list, you’re in for a world of fun!
Gel blasting is a relatively new entry into the Close Quarters Battle (CQB) type game. Similar to paintball and airsoft, you shoot gel balls at the opposing team.

Gel balls hurt way less than paintballs and are almost all water with biodegradable polymers.
Gel blasting is a relatively new game played in a CQB (Close Quarters Battle) skirmish. It is similar to paintball but follows an airsoft-like honour-based game, as players show no signs of getting shot.

Gel blaster guns shoot 7 to 8mm biodegradable gel balls. They cause less pain if hurt as compared to paintballs and are made up of water.
Although gel blasters are safe to use and have less impact on the body. Protective eyewear or safety goggles is the only protection necessary.

There is some controversy surrounding the irresponsible use of gel blaster guns, causing them to be illegal in some states.

History Of Gel Blasting And How It Got Into Australia

After the ban of airsoft in 2008, gel blasters and the game of gel blasting developed in China.

They rose up as a substitute for airsoft and foam dart guns. The popularity of gel blasters exploded in areas such as Malaysia, where airsoft-unfriendly laws prevailed.

Over the last few years there was maximum growth of gel blasters and gel blasting in Australia ‘s two prominent regions; named as South Australia and Queensland.

Prior to this gel balls were not considered ammunition and were being widely sold in commercial and household stores.

Instead, ACCC ASN/NZ 8124 classified gel blasters as legal toys for use and sale.

However, the Australian Border Force once conducted seizures on Armored Heaven’s Brad Towner, Tactical Edge’s Peter Clarke toy.

In addition, people from out of state were traveling into Queensland to buy gel blasters. But that were not legal in their own state.

Because of the realistic nature of the gel blaster, they can be easily mistaken as a real gun.

South Australia and Queensland soon had several criminal cases against people using gel blasters on pedestrians and the general public.

This might explain the strict legality surrounding gel blasters today.

RoboMaster S1, a famous ground drone by DJI, was banned while being imported to Australia, as the package contained a gel blaster.

Even today, RoboMaster S1 is not allowed to be sold in New South Wales and Victoria.

Is Gel Blasting Legal In All States?

SAPOL (South Australian Police), in October 2020, officially declared gel blasters as regulated imitation firearms, putting its possession and sale under the regulatory acts such as Firearms Regulations 2015 and 2017.

In addition, it was declared mandatory for every person to have the certification and Category. A firearm license within an amnesty period of 6 months, which commenced from October 8, 2020, and lasted till April 7, 2021.

Within those six months, if any person is unable to obtain either the license or the certification, then he/she needs to submit the unauthorized “gel blasters possessed by them ” either to a legal firearms dealer or a police station.

That effectively ended gel blasting in South Australia. All the appeals to loosen the laws and make them less stringent were ultimately rejected by the State Government.

These new regulations led to numerous protests. Queensland remained the only state in Australia where a person can use gel blasters without a license.

On jolly 3, 2021 Gel blasters were banned in Western Australia , as the realistic gel blasters are often mistaken to be real guns.

As per the law if a person is found with gel blasters in the provinces of Western Australia, he will face significant time in jail followed by a fine ranging up to $36,000.

As of December 2021, Queensland is the only state that you can own a gel blaster without applying for a license or registering the gun.

The only condition is that you have to store and transport it concealed so as not to alarm the public.

Gel Blaster Laws In Tasmania

Gel blasters are realistic-looking replicas of real guns and can be used to mislead or threaten the public.

Cases of criminals using these guns for crimes climbed. The Firearms Act 1996 of Tasmania includes strict guidelines and rules against mimic weapons.

In August 2020, the Tasmanian Police deemed a gel blaster a firearm, banned all games, and called for the surrender of all blasters.

The government mentioned that if the gel blaster completely replicates the appearance of real firearms, then the person needs to inform the government and obtain a legal license.

A proper serial number and categorization are required for the same, in the case of gel blasters.

Gel Blaster Laws In Queensland

According to Section 67, the acquisition or possession of a restricted item is prohibited and illegal in the absence of any reasonable excuse. If someone fails to comply with it, the person would be charged with 10 penalty units ($1,334.50).

The amended February 2021 laws regarding gel blasters in Queensland state.

Gel blasters are the replica of firearms and aren’t categorized under any kind of weapon or firearm.

These replica firearms need not be registered, and the person owning it doesn’t need a license. Yay!

Possession and acquisition by legitimate retail outlets or members of a gel ball club are considered reasonable.

These are a few easy stipulations. The new amendments state that when a person isn’t using gel blasters, he/she can store it safely in a box or cupboard.

According to Section 142, the gel blaster has to be stored and transported in a locked container in such a way that it is out of sight of the public. A safe place to store or transport a gel blaster can be a car boot.

Gel Blaster Laws In Western Australia

Some recent incidents with gel blasters provoked a critical police reaction.

In 2020, officers were called to 147 gel blaster incidents while a pharmacy was held up with a toy gun, resulting in a police operation that lasted hours.

Police also obtained intelligence that criminal organizations were importing gel blasters and modifying them to turn them into workable weapons.

In addition, there was significant concern that someone holding a gel blaster would be mistakenly shot by the police.

The government passed the Weapons Act in July 2021, effectively banning gel blasters and calling for the surrender of all existing blasters.

Anyone found guilty will have a fine of up to $36,000 or face three years in prison.

Of course, this sparked an outcry of dissatisfaction from gel blasting enthusiasts.

Understandably so, why should a huge group of healthy, fun-loving players get their favorite pastime taken away because of the acts of criminals and irresponsible players?

Police Minister Paul Papalia is staunchly against gel blasters. He said that gel blasting was a “tragedy waiting to happen”. Because police officers were incapable of spotting the difference between a blaster and a real gun.

Gel Blaster Laws In New South Wales

You need a license in New South Wales to own a blaster.

Blasters and BB guns, although considered toys are actually imitation firearms because of their firing mechanism.

The law doesn’t differentiate between gel blasters, air rifles and any other gun that is considered an imitation firearm.

A person acquiring or possessing either any kind of firearm or imitation firearm must carry a valid license.

According to the Firearms Act, if a person acquires or possesses any kind of firearms without authorization, he/she is liable to a fine of up to $5,500 and imprisonment ranging from 5 to 14 years.

Gel Blaster Laws In Victoria

Due to the spike in home invasions and armed robberies, gel blasters are permitted only in Victoria with a valid collectors permit.

You’ll need to join an approved participating club or re-enactment club that deals with imitation weapons.

In Victoria, multiple cases were reported regarding the usage of a gel blaster to commit a serious crime.

Police Superintendent Dan Trimble said that many blasters replicated military-style weapons and were difficult to tell from the real thing.

He said that the blasters were used to commit serious crimes like home invasions, armed robberies, sieges, assaults, and drive-by shootings.

In January 2021, Southern Cross Station in Melbourne’s Central Business District was locked down after a man was spotted with a gel blaster.

After he was arrested, the police discovered the gel blaster and described it as “almost identical” to a real gun.

In September 2021, gel blasters were effectively banned.

Penalties for possessing or using a gel blaster.

Two years imprisonment and up to 10 years for someone with a criminal record.

If a person carries a gel blaster unconcealed to the public, he is liable to up to 2 years in jail.

Pointing a gel blaster at another person with prior permission will nab you up to 7 years in jail. Yikes.

Gel Blaster Laws In South Australia

You need to have a license for using gel blaster and the registration certificate of your gel blaster.

Before October 2020, a person could freely use gel blasters in South Australia without the need for a license.

However, in October 2020, gel blasters started being recognized as imitation firearms.

In October 2020, gel blasters were categorized as regulated imitation firearms in South Australia, and subject to the control, license, and requirements under the Firearms Acts of 2015 and the Firearms Regulations of 2017.

According to updated laws, although gel blasters are legal and can be acquired and possessed in South Australia, a person needs a license.

Gel blasters are now categorized as under-regulated imitation firearms. Every aspect of the blaster, starting right from the purchase, is under the control and regulations of the South Australian Firearms Act.

You cannot own a gel blaster in South Australia without a valid firearm license. In addition, the blaster must also have legal registration documents.

South Australian residents were given a 6 month amnesty period to surrender their guns to a police station, or apply for the relevant permits.

By then, gel blasters had become a popular sport, with over 60,000 estimated blasters in South Australia alone.

South Australian Police (SAPOL)

The South Australian Police (SAPOL) directed all owners to surrender the guns or apply for the necessary licenses.

You’ll need to fill up the PD303 Application Form and submit it to the local police station with an application fee of $100 and 100 identification points.

After this, you need to wait until the approval letter asking you to undergo a TAFE course arrives. The course is for 3 hours and costs about $55.

Once done, your instructor will post the results to SAPOL.

Then, you’ll have to wait for your data card to come from the Firearms Branch and take a photo with 100 points of original identification.

An interim license will be issued once your photo has been taken, and will be valid until the photo license is issued, or for up to 90 days.

In addition, you’ll have to register your gel blaster and have a serial number imprinted.

To register your gel blaster, you have to fill the PD306 Application Form and submit it for review to the police station.

After processing, the application form along with the serial number of the firearm and approval details, will be returned.

Once returned, the serial number must be engraved on the gel blaster.

You’ll have to report to the police along with the gel blaster and the form within 14 days with a registration fee of $40.

SAPOL Firearms Branch will then send you the registration certificate within a few days.

Congratulations! You are now free to possess and use the gel blaster at designated arenas, clubs, or fields.

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Gel Blasting – Legalities Around The World

Gel Blasting

Gel blasting is a relatively new sport similar to paintball or airsoft. 

A tactical game played as a Close Quarters Battle or CQB. Gel blasting has been credited with hurting less and being more eco-friendly than the latter two.

Anyone that has been the unlucky recipient of a paintball shot can attest to the fact that it HURTS!

Gel balls hurt way less and at times, you can barely feel a shot through your clothes if taken at a further range. A close range shot might sting a tad but will rarely leave a mark.

These balls are made up of 94% to 98% water, and an eco-friendly polymer. They’ll explode on impact and can biodegrade fast, saving you some valuable cleaning time.

Sometimes played in nature, it can also be played in an enclosed arena. The plan is simple; shoot the enemy team and don’t get shot!

Gel Blasting – Legalities

However, due to the incredibly realistic nature of a gel blaster gun, crooks and irresponsible players went and spoiled it for the rest of the gel blasting community.

In 2020, officers were called to 147 gel blaster incidents in Western Australia alone, while a blaster was used to hold up a pharmacy, resulting in a police operation that lasted several hours.

Police Superintendent Dan Trimble said that blasters were used to commit serious crimes like armed robberies, assaults, drive-by shootings, and home invasions in Victoria.

Moreover, Southern Cross station in Melbourne’s Central Business District was locked down in January 2021 after a man was spotted with a blaster and bystanders mistook it for an actual gun.

Most police officers were found not to be able to tell the difference between a gel blaster and a real gun.

As the list of crimes and disturbances climbed, several states in Australia have made it illegal to own a blaster without appropriate firearm licenses and registration documents.

As of the end of 2021, the only state that you can go gel blasting without a license or restrictions is Queensland.

The only stipulation is that you have to conceal the blaster when transporting it and store it in a closed, secure location.

In which countries are Gel Blasters legal?


Gel Blasters are legal in Argentina.

You can only buy replica or imitation firearms in gun shops or specialised sports establishments, to persons above the minimum age in Argentina. The Gel Blasters must have guidelines and warnings written in Spanish and a large “Not for use by minors” in a visible location.


Gel Blasters are legal in Armenia.

Gel Blasters with muzzle energy below three joules, that is 568 ft/s for a 0.20 g projectile (the average weight of a gel ball), are not considered weapons in Armenia and require no licence or permission.


Gel Blasters are legal in Belgium.

Weapons that shoot projectiles without combustion or fire are free to buy and sell as long as you are over the age of 18 in Belgium.

An exception is if the weapon can shoot a 0.2g pellet (the average weight of a gel ball) at 900fps or faster, then it is considered a firearm and has to be registered as such in Belgium.


Gel Blasters are legal in Bulgaria

There is no restriction on the ownership of a Gel Blaster in Bulgaria, only a minimum age of 18.

Since they are considered air guns, not real guns, in Bulgaria, you are free to use them wherever except public areas like schools and such.


Gel Blasters are legal in Chile.

You must transport your Gel Blaster out of sight in public places. Most shops will require you to be 18 or older to purchase a Gel Blaster, but there are no laws regulating the sales in Chile.

Czech Republic

Gel Blasters are legal in Czech Republic.

In Czech Republic anyone over the age of 18 can buy and sell Gel Blasters without any licenses or permissions.

A Gel Blaster must be concealed while transported and they are not allowed in public places in Czech Republic.


Gel Blasters are legal in Denmark

Any person above 18 years can buy and trade Gel Blasters in Denmark.

At the age of 16 they can be used on police approved sites with parents permission. Your Gel Blaster must alway be concealed while being transported in Denmark.


Gel Blasters are legal in Finland.

The only restrictions are that you must transport your Gel Blaster concealed and you need permission from a legal guardian to purchase one if you are under the age of 18 in Finland.


Gel Blasters are legal in France.

A Gel Blaster firing above 464 FPS (two joules with an average gel ball of 0.2 gram) is considered a firearm and will need to have proper licenses and permissions according to the French Weapons Law. You must transport your Gel Blaster concealed in France.


Some Gel Blasters are legal in Germany. But not the ones you want!

For a Gel Blaster to be unrestricted it has to shoot at 230 FPS or less. In that case it is a toy gun and can be purchased and used by anyone above 14 years in Germany. They must be concealed in public.

Any Gel Blaster shooting above 230 FPS is considered an air rifle in Germany, not a toy, and you must be 18 or older to use them.

In addition, and here’s the catch, they are illegal if they are able to shoot automatic fire. As icing on the cake, you are not allowed to even own a flashlight or laser that can be mounted on the blaster projecting light in front of it, let alone mount anything.

Then there is of course the transport issues. Concealing is not enough, if the gel blaster is similar to a real weapon it must be transported in a locked container in Germany.


Gel Blasters are legal in Greece.

A Gel Blaster is in the same category as air guns in Greece. They are not considered real guns, but can only be sold to persons of 18 years or older in special shops. The Gel Blaster is required to be concealed when transported in Greece.

Hong Kong

Gel Blasters are legal in Hong Kong.

A Gel Blaster is considered a toy in Hong Kong as long as the kinetic energy is below two joule (465 FPS) and you better stay below that limit. If you go above two joule, you have a firearm and consequences of having an illegal firearm in Hong Kong may include up to 14 years in prison.

There are no licences or permissions needed in Hong Kong for buying or trading with toy guns, and no laws requiring you to conceal the gun, although you should if it looks like a real gun.


Gel blasters are legal in Hungary.

Gel Blasters can be bought and owned by anyone above the age of 18 years in Hungary.


Gel Blasters are legal in Ireland.

The limit for needing a weapon license in Ireland is one joule, which is about 330 FPS with an average gel ball (0.2 grams)


Gel Blasters are legal in Indonesia.

There are no rules by law restricting the ownership or use of Gel Blasters in Indonesia


Gel Blasters are legal in Italy.

In Italian law, a Gel Blaster shooting with an energy of one joule (about 330 FPS with 0.2 gram gel ball) or less is considered to be a toy. They can be traded freely, both domestically and from abroad. There is no requirement for licenses or permissions, nor any age limit.

The Gel Blaster must be sold with a red tipped barrel, but it can be removed when owned. Gel Blasters must be concealed while transporting them in Italy.


Gel Blasters are legal in Japan.

There is a limit of 3.5 joule/cm2, which translates to just under one joule for a standard sized gel ball, so the limit is about 330 FPS for a Gel Blaster in Japan.


Gel Blasters are legal in Latvia.

A Gel Blaster with muzzle energy of 1.5 joules (about 400 FPS with a standard 0.2 gram gel ball) or lower is considered a low energy air gun in Latvia and can be sold to anyone that is 18 years or older without any registration.


Gel Blasters are legal in Lithuania.

A Gel Blaster with muzzle energy of 1.5 joules (about 400 FPS with a standard 0.2 gram gel ball) or lower is considered a low energy air gun in Lithuania and can be sold to anyone that is 18 years or older without any registration.


Gel Blasters are legal in Malta.

In 2013 Malta amended their laws to accommodate for non-lethal guns and you do not need any license or registration to buy, own or use a Gel Blaster in Malta.


Gel Blasters are legal in Norway.

You have to be 18 years or older to buy a Gel Blaster in Norway, but you are allowed to use one at any age. However, you have to use it for personal protection and have permission from your legal guardians.


Gel Blasters are legal in Poland.

In Poland the limit for kinetic energy is 17 joule, anything above that is considered a pneumatic weapon. 17 joule is about 1350 FPS with a normal gel ball, so that should not be a problem. A Gel Blaster must be concealed in public areas in Poland.


Gel Blasters are legal in Russia.

A Gel Blaster with muzzle energy less than three joules (about 568 FPS with standard 0.2 gram gel ball) is not considered a weapon in Russia.


Gel Blasters are legal in Serbia.

Anyone over the age of 16 may legally buy, own, and use a Gel Blaster in Serbia.


Gel Blasters are legal in Slovakia.

You have to be 18 years of age to use a Gel Blaster in Slovakia. You are required by law to make sure your Gel Blaster is secure, when you are not using it. The maximum energy is 15 joules, which is more than 1250 FPS with a normal 0.2 gram gel ball.

You need a weapons importation licence if you want to buy a Gel Blaster from outside the European Union.


Gel Blasters are legal in Slovenia.

There are no age limits for buying or using a Gel Blaster in Slovenia. But you are not allowed to carry them unconcealed in public since the police will treat them as real weapons.


Gel Blasters are legal in Sweden.

In Sweden, a Gel Blaster will be considered a limited effect firearm. You must be 18 years or above to buy or possess one, but there are no licenses or permissions needed.


Gel Blasters are legal in Ukraine.

A Gel Blaster with muzzle energy less than three joules (about 568 FPS with standard 0.2 gram gel ball) is not considered a weapon in Ukraine currently.

United Arab Emirates

Gel Blasters are legal in the United Arab Emirates.

You can buy, own and possess Gel Blasters in the United Arab Emirates. Gel Blasters are sold at special weapon shops. You need a permit to import them to the United Arab Emirates.

The Gel Blaster must be concealed in public, and you can only play in designated facilities.

United Kingdom

Gel Blasters are legal in the United Kingdom.

A Gel Blaster with automatic fire can only have max muzzle energy 1.3 joules, about 375 FPS with a standard 0.2 gram gel ball for it to be legal.
A Gel Blaster that has only single fire is allowed up to 2.5 joules of energy, about 520 FPS with an average 0.2 gram gel ball.

United States

Gel Blasters are legal in the United States.

There are some different rules in different states. But in general, you should be 18 years or older to buy a Gel Blaster in the United States. The Gel Blaster should be equipped with an orange tip on the barrel. It should be to indicate that it is not a real gun in most of the United States.


Blog created and optimized by: The Digital Guruz, UK Based SEO Company and a Joshua James Digital partner, offering SEO consulting services across the entire USA. 

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How To Get Started Gel Blasting Part 3 – The Battlefield

Gel Blasting

Now you’ve got your gel blaster, a couple of gel balls and some safety goggles, it’s time to go looking for a game!

Gel blasting battlefields

You can contact a gel blasting field in your area to find out when they have open slots.

A gel balling arena is a great place to meet fellow gel blasters and make new friends that share your love for the sport.

There are gel blasting battlefields scattered throughout Queensland.

Be sure to book in advance and check on any legal requirement in your area.

Most fields will have rental equipment, different gel blasters, unlimited pre soaked gel balls, and protective gear.

Renting a blaster is a good way to try out different types of gel blasters even if you have your own.

That way you can find out if a certain gel blaster is a good fit for you for a future purchase.

A session in a gel blasting arena is typically 3 to 4 hours and will cost you 25 to 40 dollars without rentals.

Renting a gel blaster for a session will set you back about 20 to 30 dollars.

What can I expect to play in a Gel Blasting field?

It depends on the field, but common game types are:

  • team deathmatch
  • capture the flag
  • search and destroy
  • defend the fort

A hot favorite these days is Battle Royale PUBG style. However, this style of play requires a large area and lots of preparation. It has to be planned more carefully than other easy-to-arrange types.

Team Deathmatch

The most common game style, players are divided into two teams.

The teams start out separated in a base.

The game has a few variations, the most common is time-based, you count the kills and every time someone gets shot they have to go back to the respawn area, which may or may not be the base.

The team that has the most hits when the timer runs out wins. The game can also be played without respawn until there is only one team left.

Team deathmatch with respawns is a perfect game for a beginner since it gives you a lot of action in a short time.

It can also be played in various types of gel balling fields, from really fast indoor close quarter combat (CQB) arenas to open air fields with heaps of space.

If you play indoors, a submachine gun (SMG) is a good choice of weapon. If you play on an open field you might want an assault rifle, possibly with an SMG or a handgun as a secondary weapon.

Capture The Flag

A traditionally outdoor game that is sometimes played inside, although it requires quite a lot of space.

In capture the flag the teams start out in opposing bases that have a removable flag inside. The goal is to grab the enemy flag and bring it to your home base without the enemy getting hold of your flag.

The flag will be heavily guarded so you aren’t likely to simply charge in there and grab it.

The game ends when the flag is captured and brought into the enemy base.

Capture the flag is a bit more complicated than deathmatch and adds a nice adrenaline rush when you are sneaking into the enemy base to grab their precious flag.

Choosing a weapon is somewhat depending on what position you have. If you are going to be sneaking into the enemy base a short assault rifle (CQB style) or an SMG would be the choice.

If you are defending the home base or laying down cover fire for the ones going for the enemy flag, a full-sized assault rifle or a light machine gun is a better choice.

Defend The Fort

Defend the fort, or attack and defend as it is also called, is best played in a big outdoors area, although it is possible as well in a spacious indoor setting.

The players are divided into two teams, one is the defending team and the other one is the attacking team.

The defending team will be in a fort or some other defensible position, while the attackers are, well, attacking.

The goal is to, within a set time limit, either kill off all the defenders by shooting them, or manage to get a “bomb” into the fort.

The defenders are usually not allowed to leave the fort, unless killed, but there are variations, some will have respawn, some not, some won’t let the attackers into the fort except for planting the “bomb”.

Attack and defend is a good opportunity for a newbie to get to know the equipment. The defensive part requires a lot of shooting, ducking and reloading.

If you play the attacking side you’ll have to be quick on your feet, so use a submachine gun or a CQB-style rifle.

For the defenders, something with a decent accuracy and preferably a big magazine. A M249 light machine gun would be a nice one to have there with its 1000 rounds mag.

VIP Protection

The VIP protection game is best played outdoors.

The players are divided into two teams; the good guys and the baddies. The baddies team usually has more players than the good guys team.

The good guys select one player to be the VIP and the rest of the team act as bodyguards. The goal is to get the VIP to a designated location without getting the VIP shot within a set time limit.

The game ends in one of four ways. The good guys win if the VIP makes it to the location in time or all the baddies are dead. The baddies win if the VIP does not make it in time or the VIP is dead.

The choice of weapon depends on the layout of the playing field. A safe bet would be an assault rifle with SMG as a secondary weapon.

Predator vs Prey

Predator versus Prey is basically like hide and seek with gel blasters. It is best played in an outdoor setting.

The players are divided into two teams; predators and prey. The game starts with giving the prey time to go and hide somewhere in the playing field. After the time is up, just like in hide and seek, the predators go hunting.

If a predator gets a hit on a prey, that prey turns into a predator. If a prey hits a predator, that predator is eliminated from the game.

Starting out like a good ol’ fashioned game of hide and seek, team Prey goes and spreads around, hiding.

While the predators go hunting, they have to proceed with caution as the prey can attack them just the same.

If a predator gets hit by a prey, he or she will be eliminated.

However, if the prey gets hit by a predator, they turn into one!

The game is finished when either team is out of players.

For this game an assault rifle with an SMG or a handgun as a secondary weapon is the best choice.

PUBG Battle Royale

PUBG battle royale is a different style of game that requires a lot of setup from the field, so it is not a very common event.

The hugely popular game PUBG is available on desktop and mobile, with hundreds of millions people playing it. It starts out with the player parachuting out of a plane with no equipment.

Upon landing you have to find weapons, ammunition and other things like backpack, grenades, painkillers and so on.

It is played with teams of 1, 2 or 4 persons. The goal is to be the last team standing. The playing field is constantly shrinking, until only a few players are left.

The gel blasting version of PUBG is based on the part where you start with no equipment. Too bad, there’s no jumping out of planes!

The first thing you do is go find weapons and ammunition.

The field will have plenty of guns and ammo that has been prepared for you to find.

Be cautious if you see a really awesome gun lying around in the open; it may be a trap with a nearby sniper!

After you locate equipment and are all geared up, it is basically standard deathmatch, except you have no refill of ammo unless you find a mag that fits the gun you are currently holding.

The winner is the team that still has an active player alive when all others are gone.

PUBG gel blasting has to be played in a big area with at least 8-10 people to keep it interesting.

The uncertainty of what type of equipment you will find is the fun part of the game. Any PUBG player knows what it’s like to finally find a kickass gun!

Blog created and optimized by: The Digital Guruz, Boutique SEO Agency a Joshua James Digital partner, offering SEO consulting services across the entire USA. 

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How To Get Started Gel Blasting Part 2 – Equipment


Gel blasting is an awesome, fun way to spend a couple of hours running around and shooting up friends.

It is a simple game to gear up for. You’ll need a gel blaster, eye protection, and as many gel balls as you can get!

While skilled players may want to invest in extra gear, that’s all you’ll need to get started.

Gel Blaster

You can find various types of gel blasters online like assault rifles, submachine guns and handguns.

You will get a pair of safety goggles and a pack of gel balls when you buy a new blaster.

The googles will be of inferior quality, so getting some separately might be a good idea.

While some local providers include some lovely gel balls to get you started, the majority of the gel balls are of inferior quality. Gel balls are affordable and easily available online.

A decent pair of goggles should come in the box when you spend 200 to 300 dollars or more on a gel blaster.

It makes sense when you buy your next gun since the cost of the googles will be reflected on the price of the gun. No reason to pay for premium googles again since you already got them.

Safety goggles

You can use the included goggles for some practice shooting at home.

However, if you’re in a game or if you’re going to get shot, you should obtain something better

You can pop into Bunnings and get a pair of safety glasses for work, or you can go online and get a pair of shatter resistant goggles.

Gel Balls

A few times a year, the merchant may throw in a bag or two of decent gel balls so you can begin games right away. Normally, the gel balls that come with the blasters are horrible, so don’t waste your time using them.

Gel balls are really cheap; you get a bag with 10,000 Warinterest Hardest Red Gel Balls for about $10.

Gel balls are made of a substance called SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) and they are sometimes called gellets, water beads, water crystals or some other name that make less sense than gel balls.

The gel balls are really tiny when you get them, but after soaking them in water for 4-5 hours, they grow up to 200 times into a 7-8mm diameter ball, containing 95-98% water.

The soaking gel balls are mostly water with a small amount of biodegradable starch. They will disintegrate upon impact and disappear in no time if left outside after a battle.

They are non-toxic, so if you miss a few after cleaning up, there is no risk of poisoning any pets or wild animals.

Useful Stuff

To get started, you only need a gel blaster, safety goggles, and gel balls. However, other accessories are likely to improve your blasting experience.

Face protection

Getting shot in the face at close range in a Close Quarter Battle can be a bit painful.

By using a full-face mask, you can avoid the agony and avoid getting drenched in sweat. Because this is gel blasting, a simple mesh mask protects you from discomfort while allowing you to breathe freely and avoid sweating profusely. You can find a mesh mask here.


While you sweat, a hat prevents you from getting tanned and sunscreen from irritating your eyes.

A good-looking hat is of course always good to have, even if you are indoors. Even when being shot at, you should look your best!


Intense outdoor games can involve running, jumping, crawling and climbing.

Since most injuries in gel blasting come from twisting your ankle, a couple of nice boots with ankle protection can be useful in intense outdoor games.

Long pants and sleeves can help protect your skin from nicks and abrasions as well as minimize the impact of a gel ball.

Upgrade your gel blaster

Depending on what blaster you have, there are some easy upgrades to enhance the performance.

Some of the more expensive blasters have decent parts in them right out of the box, but most can do with some basic upgrades.


Many gel blasters come with a plastic inner barrel. An easy way to improve the accuracy and the speed of the gel ball is to change the plastic barrel to a metal one.

A barrel replacement will most probably require a new t-piece. A t-shaped plastic component, usually glued to the barrel, feeds the gel ball into position in the barrel.


Adding a hop-up will improve the accuracy of your blaster. It sits in the end of the barrel and its purpose is to give the gel ball a back spin when it exits the barrel.

If you have a metal barrel you can easily add a hop-up.


If you want your gel balls to leave the blaster at a higher velocity, you can change the spring to a stronger one.

If you want a really powerful spring you will have to look at upgrading the battery and possibly the gears.


Most blasters have a 7.4 volt battery out of the box. An easy way to increase the rate of fire is to get a 11.1 volt battery.

An 11.1 volt battery is also good to have if you have upgraded your spring.


Nylon gears are the standard on most blasters and they work just fine. If you have upgraded the spring and the battery they might not be able to keep up with the added stress and start to deteriorate.

You can upgrade the blaster with metal gears; they are way stronger and can take the added stress.

Time to go blasting!

There you go, all set with a gel blaster, gel balls and safety goggles and possibly some useful equipment. Now it is time to find someone to shoot at.

The easiest way is to find a couple of buddies and go shooting in someone’s backyard. Just be sure to tell your neighbours what you are up to and remember to always keep your guns in a bag or a box when you transport them.

No need to freak someone out and have them call the cops on you.

When you’re done blasting you should always empty out the mag and the receiver to avoid problems with gel balls drying out and getting stuck in bad places.

The battery should also be removed and charged. Don’t leave the battery in direct sunlight, and monitor the charging. It can be damaged in the field and can overheat.

Even better than shooting up a couple of friends in some backyard is to shoot up heaps of friends in a battlefield. More on that to come!

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How To Get Started Get Blasting – Part 1


Gel blasting, also known as gel balling, is a tactical game played as a CQB (Close Quarters Battle), involving sticking a bunch of people in an enclosed area and having them shoot at each other.

Other similar games include paintball and airsoft guns.

First popular in China when airsoft guns were banned, gel blasting is now a popular team sport played worldwide, and fast gaining traction in Australia.

After all, what’s there not to like about a fun day out meeting friends and shooting at them?

Part One, The Noob

Gel blasting is a very intense sport, with people trying to shoot you while you do the same to them.
Gel bells hurt way less than other sports like paintball.

Made up of 94% to 98% water, these gel balls are made of an eco-friendly polymer such as sodium polyacrylate, exploding on impact and biodegrading fast.

Running, ducking and crawling through obstacles and around the arena will keep you physically active for hours.

Needless to say, the better physical shape you’re in, the better you will perform. And the more you play, the more exercise you’ll get so that works out great for your fitness!

How does a gel blaster work?

The basic function of a gel blaster is propelling a small gel ball with compressed air.

There are three methods for air compression; gas-powered, powered by electricity from a battery (AEG), or spring powered.

The gas-powered ones use compressed gas, contained in a little gas canister in the magazine with a refillable bottle.

Battery-powered AEG’s compress a spring with a small motor, while springs push the balls in a spring-powered gun.

Both AEGs and spring-powered guns utilize the compressed spring to give the gel ball the velocity.
AEGs are by far, the most common type of gel blaster gun.

So, how do you begin gel blasting?

First off, you’ll need a gel blaster of course, some gel balls and safety goggles.

The only mandatory safety equipment required is eye protection. Even though the gel balls are soft and only weigh 0.02 grams, being hit in the eye is still painful.

You can either purchase your own gel blaster, or try renting a gun in the arena in which you will be playing.

Why get your own gel blaster?

  • You can spend as much time as you need with your equipment before going to a game
  • In your own backyard, you can have a lot of fun.
  • You’re more confident because it’s yours.
  • You will already know its limitations, how to aim, and the distance it is accurate to
  • You already know how to refill the mag quickly

Why not?

  • It’ll cost you more than a rental gel blaster
  • You might get the wrong type of gun for the roles that you like playing
  • The gel blaster you’ve chosen might not suit you

Getting an inexpensive, entry-level blaster and starting blasting is a simple and enjoyable way to get into the gel blasting world.

There are affordable combo packs that offer great value, getting you into the sport with minimal financial commitment.

How to choose your first gel blaster?

As a budget first-time buy, you have the JinMing M92 Beretta, a fully automatic gun with gel balls fed by gravity through a hopper attached to the top.

In contrast, most gel blasters are fed from a magazine by a motor.

The JinMing M92 Beretta is available in a 2-pack combo for about $70.

At $35 per gun, you can not expect premium builds and limited upgrade options, but for your first gun, they’ll do the trick and you’ll have fun.

A more extensive one is this family combo deal also by JinMIng, going for $350 a package.

The package includes two M92 Berettas, an M4A1 assault rifle, and a SCAR V2 assault rifle.

Both assault rifles are fully automatic and magazine-fed. Also included in this combo pack are 50,000 gel balls, a practice target, and a couple of speed loaders.

The two assault rifles are of decent quality and can both be upgraded for speed and accuracy with more powerful batteries, stronger springs, metal gears, and hop-ups.

Getting a good quality gel blaster will be more rewarding in the long run once you quickly start to improve and require better performance.

When selecting your first gel blaster, always choose from a trusted manufacturer with a good track record. Also, evaluate:

  • Is the performance out of the box acceptable?
  • Can you upgrade performance in the future?
  • Will it fit accessories?

The manufacturers of gel blasters are usually Chinese, where gel balling became big after airsoft got banned.

Some of the more common brands that are known for their quality blasters are NWell (Newell, Well), LTD/Warinterest, JingJi, CYMA, LeHui and JinMing (JM).

Make sure you are happy with the stock performance of your gel blaster right out of the box so you don’t have to start your relationship with a technical upgrade.

However, when you get into gel balling and start improving, you’re likely to want more performance from your gel blaster so the ability to do technical upgrades is crucial.

Gel blaster accessories come in a wide range. Some improve power and accuracy, some provide lighting, or some gel balls even light up in the dark. And face it, some gun accessories just look way cool!

Having a gel blaster that these accessories can be attached to will increase the likelihood of a long and meaningful relationship with your new blaster.

Kinds of Gel Blaster

There are all kinds of gel blasters from handguns and sniper rifles to submachine guns or assault rifles.

As a beginner, the best choice for a steady companion blaster is a submachine gun (SMG) or an assault rifle.

They are the bread and butter of the game and there will always be a place for them in every team.

The main differences between an SMG and an assault rifle come from them being replicas of the original guns.

A submachine gun uses handgun ammo and an assault rifle shoots rifle ammo that has a longer range of doing some damage.

A submachine gun has a shorter barrel than the rifle and is more effective at closer range. Since the bullets are smaller, the magazine is smaller.

When a gel blaster is a smaller gun, it sacrifices accuracy and range and might have fewer gel balls in the magazine but it also allows for more agile movements for the player.

Many of the gel blasters can fit a drum magazine that holds heaps of gel balls. Have a browse at some drum magazines here.

Choosing Gel Blaster For A Beginner 

Choose the right gel blaster as your first one so you don’t have to buy a new one every time.

So, what is vital with the initial gel blaster if you want it to survive your better skill set in the future?

  • Ready to rock out of the box with no need to reassemble it at arrival.
  • Good quality, strong build that won’t fall to pieces after repeated use.
  • Readily available spare parts, as all things will break if used enough.
  • Easily upgraded to accommodate for your growing mad skills.

There are a multitude of gel blasters to select from that are suited for a first-time gel baller.

Vector v2 by LeHui

This submachine gun comes with a unique design and is made out of sturdy nylon.

The design has required a non-standard solution for the gearbox, although the components inside are standard, making it easy to upgrade and service.

It ships with an 11.1v battery, which is more than enough and probably doesn’t have to be upgraded.

Out of the box, it delivers 15 rounds per second at 220 feet per second, with an electronic fire selector that lets you choose single, burst or automatic fire.

It also comes with a flashlight and a laser sight. Transporting the Vector is easy, it’s only 55 cm long with the buttstock folded, so it’ll fit in most bags.

The Vector can take a drum magazine to increase the capacity from the stock mag’s 150 rounds to 800 to 1,000 rounds.

The Vector V2 is an excellent choice for a beginner; it’s simple to use and will last long if treated and maintained well. Check out the Vector V2 here.

MP5 by LTD/Warinterst

The MP5 is a solidly built submachine gun with a nylon body built to last.

It comes with metal inner and outer barrels, metal gears and silver wiring. Also included is a metal, in-barrel, hop up and a drum magazine holding around 300 gel balls.

It will hit accurately up to 20 meters, has a rate of fire of 19 rounds per second, with the velocity of 250 feet per second.

Also with a 11.1v battery, that’s one thing that doesn’t have to be upgraded.

The MP5 has 14 mm reverse thread on the end of the barrel for attachments and a pretty cool flashlight can be a replacement handguard.

You can find the MP5 by LTD here.

SLR CQB by JingJi

This SLR CQB (Close Quarter Battle) is a strong construction made of solid nylon.

The folding buttstock has a velcro brace so you can strap it to your forearm, allowing you to run around spraying gel balls while still having one arm free.

The stock performance is great, firing at a velocity of up to 240 feet per second.

The rate of fire is about 15 rounds per second and the firing distance is around 25 meters.

This assault rifle comes with metal gears, 11.1 volt battery, metal inner and outer barrels and a full-length tactical rail for accessories on top.

This is one of the most common types of gel blaster at the moment with heaps of tactical accessories available if you want to customize it.

Upgrading for higher performance is easy. While most components are standard, the majority of this gun’s parts are already metal and will not require upgrading, so you should be set for a bit.

Get the Jingji SLR-CQB with Metal Gears and start blasting!

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Top Gel Blaster Assault Rifles

Assault Rifles

The assault rifles first came about in the second world war, but the widespread use in the military didn’t really happen until late in the 20th century.

Today, almost all armies use assault rifles as a standard piece of equipment.

The switch from the more powerful, high precision rifles, came after the realization that most combat takes place within 400 meters of the enemy.

By decreasing the size and weight of the equipment, the soldiers can carry more ammunition and engage in a style of combat where you rarely see the opposing forces.

Here are some of the best gel blaster versions of widely-used assault rifles available today.

Tar-21 by Ares

This is probably the most solidly built gel blaster in the market at the moment, based on a strong polymer body with metal parts.

The bullpup design with the magazine behind the trigger moves the main weight of the gun closer to the body, and may not be for everyone.

While not the most standard looking gun, it all is a matter of personal preference.

The bullpup has the advantage of a long inner barrel in a short gun.

The Tar-21 sports an inner barrel about 40 cm long in a 68 cm construction.

This can be compared to the MP5 that is about the same length but has a 20 cm inner barrel.

The short, dextrous design of the TAR-21, combined with the precision you get from a long barrel, makes it suitable for both CQB and longer range style games.

The Tar-21 has a rate of fire at around 12 rounds per second, which can be increased by changing the included 7.4 volt battery to an 11.1 volt.

Out of the box, the Tar-21 fires a gel ball at about 260 feet per second, but it can easily go way above 300 FPS with a simple and affordable spring upgrade.

Some key features of the Tar-21 by Ares

  • Bullpup constructions
  • Ambidextrous mag release
  • Magprimer
  • 2 metal mags included
  • Silver cables
  • Inline gearbox
  • Metal gears
  • Metal 20mm accessory rails
  • Strong polymer construction
  • Superior build quality
  • Consistent FPS
  • Easy spring change
  • Inner barrel Metal
  • Metal outer barrel
  • Metal mag x 2

The polymer Tar-21 from Ares is one of a kind with its super strong body and high quality components.

As always, you pay for quality, and the Tar-21 can be worth up to $800. You can order the Tar-21 right here.

Assault Rifles – SCAR-L Metal by CYMA

This Metal SCAR-L (Special Operation Forces Combat Assault Rifles) from CYMA is a metal/polymer build.

Just like the original rifle it mimics, the upper part is full metal and the lower part is a polymer.

CYMA is one of the oldest and most trusted companies in the toy gun business, they have been operating for over 20 years, and have hundreds of employees.

It performs well right out of the box, with a velocity above 300 feet per second and up to 20 rounds per second on full auto fire.

The range is up to 25 meters, depending on what type of gel balls you feed it. At the end of the metal outer barrel is a 14 mm counter clockwise thread for attachments like a hop up.

The metal SCAR has its weight well distributed, although it is quite heavy for a gel blaster weighing in at just over 4 kilograms.

The boot shaped buttstock is expandable for a perfect fit, and it can be fully folded to the right side for ease of transport.

There are four 20 mm accessory rails on the rifle, with the top one is the full length of the metal upper receiver.

Some key features of the SCAR-L by CYMA

  • Ambidextrous fire selector
  • Ambidextrous mag release
  • Mag primer
  • Solid build of metal and strong polymer
  • V2 Metal gearbox 18:1 with metal gears
  • High velocity, up to 320 feet per second
  • High rate of fire, up to 20 rounds per second
  • Metal inner barrel
  • Metal outer barrel
  • 11.1 volt battery
  • 51 cm inner barrel with inner diameter 7.4 mm

The Metal SCAR-L by CYMA is in the price range of $500 to 600 and is available in a tan model and a black model.

Assault Rifles – SLR CQB by JingJi

This SLR CQB blaster from JingJi is a solid nylon construction, with a weight of about 1.5 kilograms.

It has a unique buttstock with an SBPDW pistol stabilizing brace so it can be strapped to your lower arm.

It is 61 cm long with the stock retracted and 67 cm with the stock fully extended.

The blaster shoots decently out of the box, with a velocity around 250 feet per second at a rate of about 15 rounds per second on full auto.

You can expect it to be accurate at a distance of up to 20 meters without any modifications.

Being an M4 style blaster, and one of the more common guns in the last year or so, you can find all sorts of accessories for customization.

Most of the components in this rifle are standardized, making it a breeze to upgrade it for higher performance.

There are three models available in black, tan, and green.

They are basically the same except that the green one comes with metal gears and an 11.1 volt battery, while the black and tan ones come with nylon gears and a 7.4 volt battery.

Some key features of the SLR CQB by JingJi

  • Solid nylon construction
  • Great compatibility for magazines
  • SBPDW pistol stabilizing stock
  • Metal gears (green model only)
  • Metal mag release
  • Clear mag viewing window
  • Ambidextrous metal mag primer
  • 21 cm long metal inner barrel, 7.5 mm inner diameter
  • Knurled outer barrel of metal
  • Full length tactical rail on top
  • Compatible with LDT tracer magazines
  • Compatible with Gen 9 magazines

A bit of a household blaster in the $300 to 400 price range, the JingJi SLR is a reliable workhorse that is easy to customize and upgrade.

You can choose from the Black SLR, the Tan SLR and the Green SLR.

If you are tired of constantly reloading, you can add a drum mag that will hold around 500 rounds of ammo.

Blog created and optimised by: The Digital Guruz, Professional SEO Services a partner of Joshua James Digital, a California-based SEO agency.

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Top Gel Blaster Guns: Shotguns, Handguns, and Sniper Rifles

gel blaster guns

While the most common gel blaster guns are assault rifles and submachine guns, we’ll take a look at the lesser known unsung heroes of the gel blasting world: the shotgun, handgun, and sniper rifle.

The Shotgun

A shotgun is a relatively short ranged weapon traditionally used by the point-man; the first person to charge into a room.

M97 by HankeGel blaster guns

The M79 shotgun from Hanke is a solid nylon build that fires in single or buckshot mode. It is entirely manual, requiring no batteries or gas.

The hopper holds the gel balls while the pump action powers the shots. While the internal hopper holds about 20 rounds, you can add an external hopper that holds another 80 gel balls.

The pump action shoots your gel balls at surprisingly high velocity at around 300 feet per second in single shot mode.

Switching between single rounds and buckshots is as easy as tipping the gun forward and pausing a little with the pump handle in a far back position, leaving some time for the gel balls to get in.

Some key features of the M97 by Hanke

  • Strong nylon build
  • Easy buckshots, with 5-6 rounds
  • Metal barrel
  • 20 gel balls internally
  • 80 gel balls in external hopper
  • Up to 300 FPS

With a 30cm and 7mm diameter metal barrel, the shotgun is excellent at close range of up to 25 meters. You can find the M97 here and at a very affordable $100.


A handgun is primarily used to back up the main weapon. If you’re cornered and have run out of ammunition, pulling out a handgun and firing is way faster than reloading the main weapon.

In addition, snipers often carry a backup handgun should they be chanced upon by any unsuspecting members of the opposing team.

Glock G34 by Double BellGel Blaster Guns

Catapulted into the limelight, the Glock G34 used by John Wick in the second chapter is a high quality, light, handgun powered by green or top gas.

With a metal slide at the top and a nylon bottom, it fires gel balls with high precision at a speed of about 300 feet per second.

The G34 has both outer and inner barrels made of metal.

The inner barrel is 7.5mm in diameter, has a built-in hop up and ends in a 12 mm counter clockwise thread.

The firing mode is semi auto only, and the magazine holds 15 rounds.

Some key features of the Glock G34 by Double Bell

  • Superior build quality
  • 12mm counter clockwise thread
  • Outer and inner metal barrels
  • Integrated metal hop up
  • Gas blowback
  • Green gas/top gas
  • Up to 300 feet per second

The John Wick 2 Glock G34 is one of the most solid and reliable gel blaster pistols available.

A top quality handgun, it is priced higher than its cheaper counterparts, and you can order it right here.

Beretta 90TWO by SKD

This excellent battery powered handgun has a unique feature; it comes with a flashlight which is also a 7.4 volt battery. The flashlight can be connected in series with the built-in battery, delivering a total of 14.8 volts.

The build of the Beretta is high quality nylon with a built-in rechargeable lithium battery. The flashlight also has a built-in battery and has to be charged separately.

A single button controls the mag primer and fire mode selector; a quick press switches mode between single shot and full auto, and a long press primes the magazine.

You’ll be able to get a firing rate of 10 rounds per second travelling at 145 feet per second in the 14.8 volt mode. This rate will empty out the mag in about four to five seconds on full auto mode.

Some key features of the Beretta 90two by SKD

  • High rate of fire with 14.8 volt
  • Mag primer
  • Single shot and full auto
  • Flashlight and battery included
  • Blow-back feature
  • Fast trigger response
  • Hop up is available

If you are looking for a reasonably priced sidearm or small secondary weapon, you can’t go wrong with the Beretta 90two. It is available here for $120.

Sniper Rifles

The word “sniper” comes from a group of 26 birds from the Snipe family. These birds are highly alert and easily startled, rarely remaining in the open.

The bird’s erratic flight patterns also added to the difficulties hunting them.

The challenges faced while hunting these nervous birds gave rise to the term “sniper”.

Sniper emerged as a noun in the 1770s and now refers to the hunting prowess of skilled sharpshooters making shots from concealment or camouflage.

Kar 98 by Double Bell

The Rolls-Royce of sniper rifles, the Kar 98 by Double Bell is a gas-powered piece of art with a stock and body on a solid piece of wood.

While a small wooden fitting in the front is needed for assembly and disassembly, the Kar 98 shares the bolt action of the original Mauser Kar 98.

This gel blaster is gas-powered with five shells loaded with one gel ball each pressed into the mag.

Pulling the bolt back grabs the previous shell to eject it, lining the next one up.

Pushing the bolt forward loads the shell into the barrel, ready to fire.

The inner and outer barrels are metal; the inner barrel has a diameter of 7.35 mm and is 50 cm long.

This amazing rifle fires gel rounds at more than 400 feet per second and is accurate at up to 35 meters out of the box.

Some key features of the Kar 98 by Double Bell

  • Superior build quality
  • High velocity, more than 400 feet per second
  • Accurate at up to 35 meters
  • Metal barrels
  • Butt stock and stock is one piece of real wood
  • All metal construction
  • Can take both CO2 and green gas

The Kar 98 has amazing handicraft and build quality in addition to the high power and accuracy so needed for a sniper.

You can order this gel blaster guns amazing rifle right here at $585.

Blog created and optimised by: The Digital Guruz, Professional SEO Services and a Joshua James Digital partner, B2B SEO experts.

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Best Submachine Gun Gel Blasters

Gun Gel Blasters

Gun Gel Blasters – A submachine gun, or SMG, is a small machine gun suited for use in cramped or confined spaces.

They are the scary looking automatic weapons used primarily by special forces, anti-terrorist units, and police.

In addition, they are used in defending military units in plants, boats, and other transport vehicles.

Close Quarter Combat or CQB is where the SMGs shine. Here are our favorite SMGs, in no particular order, that have a high bang for the buck.

MP5 Deluxe by LDT/Warinterest

The latest MP5 from LTD is a very solid build that ships with metal gears. It is 68 cm with the standard stock and has a metal outer barrel and a metal alloy inner barrel with a diameter of 7.3mm.

The inner barrel is just under 20cm long, which is long enough to be accurate at 20-25 meters, but short enough to make the MP5 perfect for the much needed agility in CQB games.

The LTD/Warinterest MP5 combines a high out of the box rate of fire, powered by an 11.1 volt high capacity battery.

With a rate of fire at about 19 rounds per second and a drum magazine holding about 300 gel balls, this MP5 is some serious firepower in a small package.

This in addition to its great looks and build quality has made this MP5 the favourite gun gel blasters for many players, perfect for all situations that may occur in CQB.

Some key features of the MP5 by LTD/Warinterest

  • 14mm Reverse Threaded Tip for easy attachments
  • Ambidextrous fire selector
  • 1.2mm spring
  • Gearbox V2 version 3.0
  • Metal gears, ratio 18:1
  • Silver wiring
  • USB chargeable, high capacity 11.1v battery
  • Carrying bag included
  • Quick release mag with dual levers
  • In-barrel hop up
  • Cool upgrades are available

The LTD MP5 is one of the best built and best performing SMGs you can get in the price range of around $350. Take a look at the LTD MP5 here.


The compact ARP9 is only 50 cm long when the stock is collapsed fully, and 59 cm when fully extended.

This well-built gun gel blasters comes with a simple MOSFET as a standard, supporting semi and fully automatic with an auto brake function.

After a round is shot in the semi mode, the battery polarity is temporarily reversed, which stops the motor immediately.

Its small size and auto break MOSFET makes it a popular choice for speedsoft.

It comes with a 13 cm alloy inner barrel, nylon outer barrel with 14 mm counter clockwise threaded tip, and four 20mm rails on all sides for accessories.

Firing speed is up to 250 feet per second and about 20 rounds per second.

The gearbox is nylon with 8mm bushings and a full set of metal gears and is powered by a 7.4v battery and a vented case 480 motor.

The ARP9 comes with many metal details like the fire selector and the trigger. You find the mag primer placed in the back of the top accessory rail for easy access.

Some key features of the ARP9 by XYL

  • 20mm rails on 4 sides for accessories
  • Metal alloy inner barrel
  • Gearbox with high quality 8mm bushings
  • Stainless steel cylinder
  • 18:1 metal gears
  • Foldable stock
  • Mag primer
  • MOSFET with Active Braking
  • Drum mag available

XYL’s ARP9 is a perfect SMG for speed soft and fast CQB’s around the $350 price range, check it out here.

Vector v2 by LeHui

The Kriss Vector V2 has a sturdy full nylon construction with great attention to detail.

It has a mag primer on the left side, and the two fire mode selectors are ambidextrous. One mode for the on/off, and one for the MOSFET feature).

The stock folds easily and if you want to go AR style, get an adaptor so you can replace it with a buffer tube stock.

The MOSFET features three firing modes, semi automatic, three round burst, and fully automatic.

It comes with an 11.1 volt battery out of the box and has some extra accessories you wouldn’t normally see included like a laser sight and a flashlight.

The standard Vector V2 magazine holds about 150 gel balls, and if you want to get some more time before switching magazines, you can get a single drum magazine that holds about 800 rounds.

There is also even a double drum magazine that holds more than 1,000 gel balls.

The shape of the Vector V2 Gun Gel Blaster required developing an advanced non-standard gearbox with the cylinder and barrel at the same angle as you can see on the standard magazine and the barrel.

Although the clear gearbox is non-standard, it contains standard components, making it fairly easy to upgrade or replace individual parts.

The plastic barrel is 18 cm long and it has an inner diameter of 7.3 mm. The total length of the gun is 79 cm with the stock unfolded and 55.5 cm when folded. Out of the box, you can expect it to fire about 15 rounds per second at 220 FPS.

Some key features of the Vector V2

  • MOSFET with three firing modes, single, burst, and full auto.
  • 11.1 volt battery
  • Mag primer
  • Drum mag is available
  • Laser sight included
  • Flashlight included
  • Unique looks

The reliable and sturdy Vector V2 can be found right here for under $200.

P90 V3 by BingFeng

This SMG looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. It is sturdy full nylon construction, available in black and and a surprising pink. It has a sturdy, rigid, nylon body, with a 20 mm rail in the front top for accessories.

There is an ambidextrous safety switch located under the trigger.

There are also ambidextrous fake mag primers on both sides that do nothing else but move when you pull them. Fortunately, the mag is spring loaded and does not need a primer.

The included battery is 7.4 volt, but a 11.1 volt battery is a recommended and affordable upgrade.

The gearbox is a custom design for the P90, but standard parts make replacement or upgrading a breeze.

The P90 is a bullpup type of gun gel blaster, meaning that the action is happening behind the trigger.

The benefit of this is that you can have a longer barrel and get better accuracy in a small form factor.

At 50cm this is one of the shorter SMGs, yet still, it has a decent range. It comes with a metal alloy barrel and only fires full auto at 17 rounds/second and 200 FPS.

Some key features of the P90 V3

  • Mag holds 200 rounds
  • Unique looks
  • Sturdy, high quality nylon build
  • Bull-pup type of gun gel blaster
  • Top and side rails for accessories

To sum it up, the P90 from BingFeng has great out of the box performance that can easily be increased with simple upgrades. It is available right here for under $150!

Blog created and optimised by: The Digital Guruz, Professional SEO Services

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Why Is Gel Blasting Better Than Say….Paintball or Airsoft?


Gel Blasting – As far as Close Quarter Battle (CQB) games go, most folks know of paintball, the dominant player for many decades.

Some might also know of airsoft guns, Japan’s answer to the popularity of paintball.

But, gel blasting? What’s that now?

A relatively new player in the CQB arena, gel blasting has only been gaining traction in the last few years. Also known as gel balling, blasting involves trying to eliminate members of the opposing team by hitting them with many little projectiles called gel balls.

While paintball and airsoft gun pellets can hurt, gel blasting is much more forgiving. The mostly water-based gel balls disintegrate on impact, causing little to no pain.

Gel Blasting Is More Eco-Friendly

Small 7 to 8 mm gel balls are used for ammunition that explode on impact, causing little to no pain.

The ball is composed of sodium polyacrylate, a very absorbent polymer expands 200 to 300 times when properly wet.

It is a safe, non-toxic, biodegradable compound made up of 98% water, leaving water and biodegradable gel as residue.

Crystal soil, orbeez, or water beads are widely used as ornamentation in flower vases or in the hands of children playing, are made from the gel ball material.

The spent ammo left on the ground in nature after a good game out fighting baddies with your friends will soon decompose. Despite this, it would be a responsible thing to clean up after yourself.

Since the gel ball is mostly water and a small amount of biodegradable material, you can even fire a gel blaster gun at home or indoors without making too much of a mess to clean.

While gel balls come in unsoaked pellets, soaking them causes them to expand between 200 and 300 times.

Unsoaked gel balls should not be left unattended near children or pets because of its capacity to expand.

If a pellet finds itself into a kid’s tummy, ear, or nose and comes into contact with water, it could potentially cause some discomfort or pain.

In contrast, airsoft ammunition uses two types of 6mm plastic pellets; the ABS plastic or PLA plastic.

PLA plastic takes about a year to decompose but BS plastic does not decompose and has to be removed from the environment.

Gelatin is used to make the outer layer of paintball ammunition. While good quality paintballs are fully biodegradable, some inferior quality paintballs are not.

There have also been reports of dogs being sick from eating paintballs, although the amount ingested was unclear. (Source)

Gel Blasting Is Cheaper

In addition to being less painful and kinder to the environment, gel blasting also happens to be more wallet-friendly than its other CQB counterparts.

The one time setup cost involves personal safety equipment and a decent gun. All the safety equipment you’ll need is a good pair of eye protection.

Running costs involved ammunition, entry fees into the gel blasting area, and any upkeep you might need on your gel blaster.

The setup cost is entirely dependent on your budget, priorities, and personal preferences. While airsoft guns are in a similar price range with gel blasters, paintball guns can cost up to double.

A typical entry-level paintball gun will cost around $300, while a ready-to-use gel blaster will cost less than $150.

In addition, you’ll need body protection for paintball. Paintball can attest to the excruciating pain.

All you really need in gel blasting is a decent pair of safety goggles. New gel blasters usually come with an average pair that might not suit you once you get more into the game. A pair of good safety goggles will cost about $10.

Ammunition costs vary greatly across CQB games and these costs rapidly add up if you are a trigger happy soldier.

Paintballs are the most expensive by far, followed by airsoft pellets, then the affordable gel balls.

A pack of 500 branded paintballs would cost between $20 and $30. For same amount, you can get about 4,000 to 5,000 of airsoft pellets.

In contrast, that amount spent on good quality gel blaster ammunition will snag you around 30.000 gel balls.

Gel Blasting Is Safer

Paintballs are 3 grams gel capsules packed with paint. It can travel at speeds of up to 250 feet per second when shot from a gun.

Anyone ever hit with a paintball can attest that it hurts!

If you are not wearing protective clothing or armour and are hit with a paintball in an unprotected area, you may develop a purple bruise that lasts for days. Paintball also necessitates the use of a full-face protective mask.

A typical airsoft ball is not as heavy as a paintball. They are plastic pellets about 6mm in diameter and weigh about 0.12 to 2 grams.

The plastic bullet is hard and will still hurt at close distances, drawing blood or knocking out a tooth.

Full face protection is not mandatory in airsoft games but always recommended.

In comparison, a gel ball is a larger 7 to 8 mm in diameter yet weighs a mere 0.2 grams. It has a biodegradable sodium polyacrylate skin soaked and swells approximately 200 to 300 times.

The gel ball contains 98% water and harmlessly explodes on impact.

Most guns shoot bullets that don’t leave or mark or cause any pain, especially if it hits thick clothing.

However, if shot by a high-powered rifle at close range, you might get a little red mark that might last a day or two.

It is nearly impossible to be seriously injured by a gel blaster until and unless the gel ball strikes you in the eye. Hence, eye protection is mandatory in all gel blasting games.

Give gel blasting a shot, and enjoy a safe, environmentally conscious way of shooting up some folks with friends!

Blog created and optimised by: The Digital Guruz, Professional SEO Services

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How to Get the Best Gel Blaster Gun?

gel blaster gun

Want to buy the gel blaster gun? If you’re a first-time gel blaster gun buyer, this buying process can be a little overwhelming. The craze for such gel blasters Australia has crossed all levels, and hence, people always look for the best way to grab the best gel blaster gun. To make things a little easier, we have come up with a guide to buying your favourite toy easily. From start to finish, you can learn the ideal ways that will help you find the best gel blaster gun and save a lot of time. So, pay attention to the points mentioned below-

First, Know Your Budget

Let’s first discuss the budget. We all know there is a wide range of gel blasters available at different prices. So, the first factor you should keep in mind while buying a gun is the budget. Right? Of course, yes, finding a new, full metal gel blaster gun at a very low price is impossible. So, face reality and consider these points while setting your budget-

  • Remember, descriptions always sound good.
  • Retailers always want to earn more and more profits.
  • One size doesn’t fit all. So, prioritise your preferences.

Decide On The Right Model

Once you know your budget, the next step is to determine the type of gel blaster gun you want. For this, you need to consider what game you will play, whether it is shotgunner, sniper, and rifleman. Once you figure it out, you can easily decide on the right model of gel blasters to invest in.

Check The Reviews

Now you have decided your budget and determined the model of gel blaster gum you will purchase. But before you buy the gun from the shop, make sure you have taken a tour of the reviews of the previous buyers. This way, you can easily determine that this purchase is worth the investment or not. End your search for a “gym blaster near me” with us as people love buying gel blasters from our online store.

Know the Type Of Play

It is important. You must check what type of games you can play with the gel ball gun you choose because the different types of games significantly impact the gun. So, determine if it is ideal for an adult or a child to play. After all, safety is a must!

Final Words

So, this is all about the ideal ways that can help you find the right gel blaster gun. Follow these steps, and we are sure you will end up with the right gun.

Blog created and optimised by: The Digital Guruz, Professional SEO Services